Emil Ljungberg

I see myself as a scientist with an engineer’s mindset. I enjoy building solutions for complex problems, especially when it involves creativity and a large chunk of coding. For the last 10 years I’ve worked with medical imaging research where I have built new techniques for brain imaging using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. My strength as a researcher and project leader is seeing the big picture and breaking down problems into smaller tasks. This applies in many areas including software development, international collaborations, or regulatory compliance.

ZTE at ECR 2022

I’ll be giving an educational talk about Zero Echo Time (ZTE) MRI at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna on July 15th in the session Advanced MRI techniques in clinical neuroradiology (RC 1211). This post provides supplementary information for this presentation, including useful links to published papers. Review papers The best way to get on top of the literature on ZTE is to read one of the following review papers:...